OC story's and info

Character info

Will continue to update

-fem/Demigirl nonbinary
-30-40+ y/o
-heart theme
-Loosely based off of Jessica rabbit (and lady D)
-on the ace spectrum, possibly demisexual
-bi wife energy
-wears pearl necklaces
-would probably beat someone to death if they're catcalled by some asshole/given unwanted attention (by someone they don't know)
-hopelss romantic (simp for their husband Samson ofc, but prior to that she liked but also dreaded the idea of being inlove until she met their Sammy)
-tall(7"2) but wears high heels to be taller(7"5)
Voice claim(s):Marina(and the diamonds),Emilie Autumn,Sir Chloe, Lady D (RE8)
-mom friend??? Yes but also the chaos enabler, you may think it's Samson that's the chaos enabler but more often it's Valentina lmao. They are kinda dramatic usually on purpose to make people laugh but they're dramatic in a subtle way,they just wanna make people laugh sometimes. Other times they come off intimidating which may be on purpose for certain situations but they're a big sweetheart! They mean no harm! Unless you make their friend(s) cry etc then their gonna hunt you for sport, definitely the one to introduce Samson to more people. Very motherly! If they deem you as their kid she would die for you, and ofc their husband. The type of person to want the best for you and would pamper you without a thought.
-she takes some younger cupids under her wing as an older Cupid, becoming their motherly figure in the process. She allows them to live with her, given she has the room.
-Serena is their lovely borzoi!

-loosely based off Rodger rabbit
-short and stocky (5"2)
-30-40+ y/o
-Husband of Valentina Valentine
-took Valentina's last name
-Valentinas simp of a husband
-species:Enkite Kasenin
-the only one that is allowed to call him Sammy is Valentina
-worked as a car salesman & mechanic at one point, has experience on fixing cars and bikes etc outside of that he's an engineer and he loves building various things
-has a closed eyed smile (Valentina thinks it's very cute and often squishes his cheeks in endearment)
-looked very"plain" (as put by Samson) before he became a celebrity (he later performs songs with his wife Tina at the Cafe she works at)
-started to change his style to look more formal, though he still sometimes dresses like a punk he just tends to look nerdy bc of his glasses
-When he was younger he didn't wear his glasses allot especially since he's be working on cars and other machines unless he absolutely needed them but he just didn't like wearing them but now he does (his sight has gotten worse)
-voice claim(s): Will wood,Jack Stauber,Caesre from bigtop burger (voiced by Chris Flemming)
-He's all big talk but easily fumbles around Tina.
-He's not afraid to tell you how it is. Though he does tend to be shyer than his Brother Cedric. He's the chaos that Valentina is constantly enabling. He's got the case of short man syndrome, so if you make fun of his height he'll go batshit 80% of the time. He's always getting into something, whether it's litterly getting into the local dumpster for metal scraps for his latest project or he's scheming something stupid with his Brother.
-has amnesia from the accident, can't remember his brother for some time
-since he forgot most of his life before the accident, Tina did recognize him a little bit when she was finally able to interact with him (he was a regular at the Cafe for some time, warning his friendship with the owner Altair),she thought they had the wrong guy at first since he seemed to believe he wasn't the celebrity Tina spoke of. On top of that, he looked way older than the man in question. Later he is able to recover some of his memories but not all, until he and his brother reunite.
-later reconnects with Cedric and gains a good portion of his memories back
-was somewhat of a celebrity with his brother before the amnesia + accident, not too big of one but enough of one to be recognized. Until the accident, some believe the two mysteriously disappeared for some time and some believed they passed in said accident.

-Cedric has a pop up shop, the shop is constantly moving and not always in one place, though he doesn't move it every day just merely when he feels like it (it gets kind of stressful to find a new area, especially without asking locals on his brothers whereabouts and just scouting the area tbh);he cartoonishly packs it up in a funny lil briefcase, he either always looks like some sort of business man or just some guy
-Voice claims: Jeremy "Jerma985" Elbertson, Weird Al Yankovic
-wet sopping rat™
-a schemer, up to something always
-purposefully bothers his brother Samson when he gets the nearest chance just because it's funny
-taller than his brother Samson (6"2)
-is basically Burgerpants (Undertale) but if he were to be possessed by Jerma985
-gets separated from his brother Samson when the accident happened and thought his brother was dead but didn't give up hope and continued to search for him
-was somewhat of a celebrity with his brother before Sam's amnesia + accident, not too big of one like his brother but enough of one to be recognized. Until the accident, some believe the two mysteriously disappeared for some time and some believed they passed in said accident.
-Besties with a punk/alt music artist;Arthur/Arty
-easily spooked;heavily denies it despite the fact that he screamed bloody murder just a second ago and is now ranting to himself about how that wasn't scary

Sylvester Anges

-18-25+ y/o
-species:half Cupid
Childhood friend of the Heartfelt
-Bullies Samson (his father figure)
-French and Asian
-Coat always over the shoulders
-Sylvester is part human, but he chose to stay in the Cupid(????)/monster(????) World to continue his business when he was old enough, that's why in canon we never really see his parents since they chose to settle down in the human world together.
-Tailor; owns a boutique
-Sylvester also made suits,dresses and other things for those who were getting ready for a date etc since he still partially a Cupid.
-Sylvester's lastname's namesake is french "Anges" meaning angels
-young Cupid taken under Valentina Valentine's wing

Naira Heartfelt

-Flower shop owner
-Cherry is his sibling (bio) and co-worker
-Your local Sunshine boy! Knows how to cheer people up! Just wants to see people smile
-He/Him pronouns but doesn't mind non-binary pronouns
-18-25+ y/o
-Tallest of the kids (6"8)
-unlike Sylvester he almost immediately sees Samson as his Dad (as he previously saw Tina as his mother figure)
-Very polite
-Has his own garden (Cherry helps)
-young Cupid taken under Valentina Valentine's wing
-despite being a kind individual he is not a pushover and should never be treated as such

Cherry Heartfelt

-the baby of the group (14-17 y/o)
-Helps Naira around the flower shop, occasionally works as cashier while their big brother tends to the flowers etc
-about 5"5-5"8
-can be serious but they're the most goofy one probably, they mostly let loose around the other cupids and Samson in that lil group because they feel super comfortable enough to let loose around them and be as goofy and cryptic as they can be and they know that won't get judged (maybe some bullying from Sylvester but like in a brotherly kinda way)
-voice claims:Molly Blyndyff (Epithet erased),Xion (kingdom hearts), Tiny Tina (borderlands)
-takes advantage of the cherry aesthetic because of their name and they think it's funny
-small and bubbly, has the most energy out of the group
-cute overalls for helping with the flowers!
-young Cupid taken under Valentina Valentine's wing

Tabi & Skeet

-species:half Cupid, half moth
-Skeet is Tabi's pet! He's just a little guy who likes collecting shiney things and he's soft and fuzzy!
-Skeet is basically the family bug™
-Tabi sells funky LED lights and candles
-17-23 y/o
-young Cupid taken under Valentina Valentine's wing
-probably the most cryptic on accident due to being part bug and all

Viktor & Rosalina Valentine

-t4t couple
-Rosalina is a goth Cupid and Viktor is a pastel Cupid
-viktor owns a bakery and sells pastries of any kind (his specialty being cakes)
-Rosie has a gothic item and clothing shop, she sells flowers on the side and a part of her shop has an adult store that is "locked off" to minors and adults will have to show an ID at the entrance of that section of the shop
-the two shop owners are next to each other; only separated by a break room that leads to both shops
-their employees sometimes view the two as their own parents
-Viktor calls Rosalina "Rosie" or "Rose", especially since her color palette consists of reds
-they manage to reunite with Valentina due to the popularity she had gained which helped them find their lost child
-their relationship is loosely based off of Gomez and Morticia Addams


-Alternative musician
-Cedric's bestie
-Sylvester looks up to him and loves his music
-5"8 but wears platforms that makes him up to 5" 10-5"11
-very intimidating at first glance but is a big softy


-bird motif, specifically corvids and Owls
-co concepted by Mel; aka @rainbowroadonsteroids on Tumblr!
-Main host and owner of the cafe Valentina works at!;The Dine and Shine cafe
-very polite and loving boss
-demon bird person
-has a very pretty face, often covered by a mask as to not be distracting
-Accompanied by the fact that they seem their face distracting, their demon type has pretty and beautiful humanoid faces that are known to be alluring
-only shows their face to those they trust
-very fluffy and feathery!!
-a hopeless romantic according to some of the staff, they are very flustered about this


Starry nightz

-Idol group
Idols in group:
•Real name being Star, their stagename is Nyx. The older sibling of Onyx and adoptive parent of Nova. A celestial being who performs with their sister and daughter at the Dine and Shine cafe.
•Adopted younger sister of Nyx/Star and aunt to Nova. A sweet bipedal dog girl who performs with her sibling and niece at the Dine and Shine cafe.
-she/her; questioning
•Adopted Daughter of Nyx/Star and niece of Onyx. A sweet but spicy lil bipedal cat girl who performs with her parent and aunt in the Dine and Shine Cafe
-Star uses a stage name ('Nyx') due to not wanting to draw to much attention to themselves and keep the attention on their sister,daughter and them equally and respectfully
-The name 'Nova' means new, so it is befitting of the newest member
-Onyx and Star/Nyx started the group and Nova later wanted to join in
-They do dance numbers and sing!
-Onyx and Nyx/Star's parents (Novas grandparents) are sun and moon celestial beings, giving Star both of their sun and moon characteristics


Q:When you made your ocs were there any alternate designs to them?A:Yes! Some haven't changed much from the first pass source but others have!
Tina is currently being slightly re-designed but as I drew her specifically she ended up being a much older lady than my original drawing, aswell as their hair being longer, adding a slit to her dress, pearls, garter belts and her heels. Samson looked sharper when I first drew him, instead of the softer look he has now, he also has more pudge to him. These are small changes but still, he was also originally intended to be a robot of some kind but I scrapped that idea. Cedric is... Something else??? I wanted him to have a hat but scrapped that too (aswell as the fact that he was originally supposed to be human), he wasn't even intended to be Samsons brother until I kept figuring out a design for him while listening to Spotify "Rainbows and stuff" by ICP was playing, and weirdly enough the line where Violent J says "I like shaggy, he's my friend
I like his mom 'cause she's nice to me
Thank you J I like you too
Well it's OK, we're family"(litterly just this specific line) oddly enough made me decide to make Cedric Sam's brother, it made me want to have this goofy dynamic where Ced is happy Sam found someone as nice as Tina/the dynamic they have now. He also made me want to expand more on the Kasenin species.
As for Naira and Sylvester though, they've gone through a bit more changes, they still have similar elements in their outfits from when I first cosplayed them. I will not be cosplaying them in the future due to the fact that I am not black or Asian like they are, the first time I cosplayed them was some time around 2017(not exactly but close) when I was in a cosplay group so they were not drawn out first merely put together by what I had on hand and no prior thought was put into it. This cosplay group was for Valentine's day where we made Cupid OCs and expanded on our own creations! (We were called "red thread cupids" and only really cosplayed these characters around Valentine's day) I just recently picked them back up after so long, this specific group of OCs will continue to change more as I work on the plot however. Naira and Sylvester weren't originally supposed to have a sibling relationship either, but I liked the idea and kept up with it. Later on I added Cherry and Tabi (aswell as skeet, Tabi's weird pet bug thing) onto the sibling dynamic, so they are rather new, but all of them were young cupids that Tina took under her wing and now she's their mother figure (later Sam becomes their father figure, and later cedric is their uncle figure etc).Though I do not have pictures on hand, nor have I talked about my older OCs on here just yet, but the oldest oc I have that went through the most changes would have to be Anna. She was supposed to be a kingdom hearts of originally, that's how old she is, but later became her own character with her own plot and she has changed drastically. Being a kingdom hearts character she did start off as a teen keyblade wielder before I redesigned her. She is now an adult trans woman with a daughter (and another kid who her daughter views as a brother and she views as a son) and (late)wife! Though her brother Leon, and their younger sister need a redesign given I haven't picked them up for quite a while.

Q:Is there a story planned for your OCs or are they just for fun?/genA:Both actually! Some more so on one side than the other. I'm not the greatest writer so it's taking a while to get all the pieces together story wise.I will say, my older OCs however may mostly just be for fun since I haven't worked on their storyline in such a long time, I'd like to publish a comic about those OCs one day but given I was a child when I made those specific OCs it'll take longer to sift through each one and redesign and fix the plot... or whatever it was even supposed to be. But! (I don't have a title/name for it yet) for my Cupid and Kasenin group I would genuinely like to make a game with them in it. Which if I ever start throwing notes about game mechanics around when I post my notes that's why! My only issue is I personally cannot do school, it's not for me, so I do not know how I'll get into programming or art direction etc at the moment, but until then I will just post my silly little thoughts on my silly little story/platform.

Q:Would mommy milkers own a daycare??A:THIS HAS ME SOBBING/LHIf you're for real Probably! Tina loves kids and is very family orientated (she doesn't have biological kids, but she does act as a mother figure for most) I can see her also doing charity events for good causes; the money she makes on tour or the money they make at the Cafe she works at goes to said charities!

Q:whos most likely to shoplift?A:This is the only picture I have on hand

But Skeet.
Absolutely Skeet.
And it wouldn't even be on purpose too The poor lil guy probably saw something shiney and picked it up not understanding what shoplifting is.
But also Cedric(if I had to choose who'd be most likely outside of Skeet I mean)Yes he's a business man, yes he has a shopBut it'd have to be a big corporation that absolutely deserves it As a shop owner himself he supports small businesses But I can also see him telling big shitty Companys/Corporates "eat shit and die" if the Corp is problematic and/ or does nothing but support terrible things etcIn terms of plot, he'd probably do that to his old boss/one of the main villains in the plot that's still in the works so I haven't posted about them yet! (Yes Tina and Sam's kids would probably join him lmao)

Q:Favorite animal(s)?A:Something about Sam strikes me as the type of guy to really love dogs. He loves all other animals too! Just something about dogs make him really happy! (He's also a dog dad! Dog reveal will come soon enough)I feel Tina can't choose, she's a dog mom but any animal makes her go soft and I don't think she'd resist spoiling the animal. She already spoils the kids, Sam and Ced, their bio parents (all vice versa) aswell as the family dogs and Skeet! (Who brings her shineys)Naira would like capybaras! They remind him of himself on the side, they both tend to get along with just about everyone!For Cherry? I'm somewhat unsure but I can see them liking bunnies and bears! A definite bear enjoyer. If friend shaped why dangerous?I can see Sylvester liking cats, but also reptiles! I feel like he relates to how people are intimidated by reptiles such as snakes, even though they can be big sweeties.Tabi is probably obvious but! Bugs! I feel like they specifically enjoy isopods outside of the fuzzier bugs like bees and moths etc. Pigeons too.Cedric most likely enjoys rats! He think their little feet and lil noses are so cute. But I can also see him liking foxes a whole lot.Altair finds corvid's fascinating. They also enjoy pigeons as well despite their reputation as 'dirty'(which is untrue, they're one of the most clean birds if done proper research and care). It's probably not too surprising as they are a bird demon but... They've got a soft spot for non demon and domesticated birds.Arty/Arthur I feel like would enjoy opossums!! He thinks they're skrunkly.Rosie and Viktor are hard to pinpoint what their favorite animals would be. Though! I can definitely see them feeding stray animals and treating them as family, they also give the vibes that they're the old couple that feed the local pigeon's. They'd probably have a local stray cat that hangs out in the couple's respective shops that they kind of just adopted after some time, that cat chose them and now the kitty is family!

Q:Do any of your ocs have alternate outfits? Also your ocs are like so cool! :)A:Awe thank you! That means so much, I'm so glad to hear that 🥺💕💕Yes! Some aren't drawn out but are planned. Some also need concepting (such as Sam and Tina's wedding, this includes the kids, Altair,Cedric and Arty, Rosie and Viktor's outfits for said wedding as well).Altair as a whole is still being concepted on paper. They aren't necessarily new, they're just... Really hard to draw.. I have them pictured in my head! Just very hard to execute... At the moment.Sylvester is a fashion designer so I definitely want him to have more than one outfit shown (in the projects canon I mean;I'll obviously draw him and others in more outfits that I think suit them etc) aswell as what he creates for his family and others; including outfits in his shop (That will be concepted later on when I finish up character designs and move onto sets and scenery). I also want to say he IS the person who made Tabi their strawberry dress.I have drawn Tina in a few dresses and/or suits that I have not uploaded yet, it was just stuff that I thought they'd wear but I do have to draw her in more casual clothing in the future! Though I have drawn her in one of those frilly pajama robes before because I thought that also suited her. I feel she'd wear the signature pink dress for performances, she does change it up but that's her go to outfit. They definitely wear allot of pink...Sam, I have drawn him in more 70's+90's clothing, mostly in his younger concepts which includes Cedric.For Arthur/Arty I think the one consistent article of clothing he wears is either a leather jacket or battle jacket. He is also another character I have yet to talk about and post more about such as Altair. His clothes still have to be fully concepted, but! He of course will get other outfits.

Q: @cupid-daze Have no clue why I'm thinking of this but aside from comedically large furniture/appliances for Valentina's accessibility do you think they would have like two kitchens in their home- like one is for baking and making sweets and the other is for dinners and salty foods?To go with that (and you might have mentioned this before I don't remember though unfortunately) do you think Tina would have like a room attached to her own that acts as a walk in closet? Because I have a feeling she has like a really huge wardrobe of different dresses, outfits, etc. And probably need a lot of room for it so she doesn't clutter anywhere.As a bonus for some reason her and Samson's dynamic is starting to remind me of the "full shower routine vs pert" meme 💀A: @rainbowroadonsteroids Yes!! Not only because of what you mentioned, but I can see the kids fighting over stuff in the kitchen. Like Sylvester is just trying to make coffee and the others decide to harass him so he angrily shuffles off to the other one to finish his coffee in peace without his siblings in his ear. Also Samson does most of the cooking! Valentina helps and so does the kids obviously. But when Cedric moves in, even if it were to be momentarily, all hell breaks loose between the brothers. Because Cedrics dumb ass is brewing shit in the coffee mug that's most definitely not coffee instead of using the microwave like a normal person and Samson stares at his younger brother with so much disdain and confusion. Etc etc!Oh yes absolutely!! In a way I imagine her house... Mansion??? To be similar to Lady D's castle, but not exactly! Just in ways that there's many rooms with aforementioned comically tall furniture and structures to accommodate for a tall lady like Valentina. So in terms of the wardrobe it's basically like walking into Narnia for the average sized person.MEL I DONT THINK IM FAMILIAR WITH THAT ONE LMAO-


Will continue to update

Samson and Valentina ft. The Valentine kid's
-At first I called Samson and valentina the "malewife and girlboss" as a joke but now it's pretty much canon. Samson does most of the cleaning and cooking, not because valentina forces him to do so, oh god no they'd never do that, but simply because he wants to make himself useful. Even when they were just friends, around the time Valentina took him in as a friend because he wasn't in the greatest mindset or living condition he was just set on making himself useful. It's the best he can do to pay them back for their kindness since they refused any offer of him paying them back so he just..did stuff on his own in return. He's also afraid of being abandoned because he isn't useful which is related to some carried over trauma from an old friend of his and he was just scared he was going to mess up, but soon came comfortable with the fact that Valentina would never do that. They were and are always so kind to him. Valentina understood what it was like to be alone and didnt want to see that happen to a dear friend. They would rather be that helping hand rather than leaving him to suffer alone and letting it continue. They're been together for about 10+ years, they met when they were somewhere in their 20's and got married in their 30's.
Another thing is, Samson isn't necessarily mean. He's just a menace who'd fight you in the Walmart parking lot at like 3am if you insulted his wife/spouse or even just called him short. He's like some cryptid and not even on purpose too he just kinda looks like one on accident sometimes.
-Samson is an engineer. He still loves building and fixing things. Valentina often let's him ramble about things like this usually listening and asking questions. She likes to bring him stuff he mentions or thinks he'd like! He was definitely the kid that talked about trains allot, and even now lmao. Valentina loves hearing about his interests, seeing how much joy it brings him makes her super happy!!
If anything I feel like he has the same energy as Micheal Reeves, just making cursed ass shit for the hell of it because it's funny and also just.. fun to make.
-Valentina does Samson's nails and vice versa, Samson likes when Valentina paints his nails and in return sometimes he'll do her nails if she would like him too and they sit there and gossip or talk about stuff like it's normal lmao sometimes they even do like face masks and self care like it's a sleepover but the sleepover is eternal because they live together
-i don't know why but Samson feels like the type of mf to have hit someone over the head with a chair atleast once in his life.
-when Valentina and Samson duet at the cafe he ends up getting quite famous (again.. but more than whatever a simple salesman of his younger self had) and has a bunch of fans much to his surprise. They both do worry about gaining some freaky fans but if they do the staff knows how to take care of it.
-Samson has a train track.. not a real one but like a train model and it's very detailed and loved he has a specific room for it and it's got its own lil town that valentina helps add to it. If Valentina sees something while she's out shopping and she thinks Samson would want it for his train model and stuff she will get it for him.
-Samson brings the lil train out(of his lil room where he keeps it)for Christmas and it's this elaborate train track that's around the Christmas tree, yes he does this every year, yes he rants about the train in the polar express he plays it constantly around Christmas time and Sylvester is tired of it
-valentina listens to his rants and ramblings about trains and just holds him (especially when he rambles about the train in the polar express she's just straight vibing with him on her lap as he goes off and Sylvester is in distress somewhere)
-Valentina probably lightly bullies Samson (like where he's going to get something but Tina goes "need me to get that shorty?" But it's something that's perfectly grabbable by Sam she just teases him)tbh but like..Since she has a short husband she knows not to take it too far but she most likely calls Samson short stack, cupcake etc and he sometimes pretends to hate it but he really loves it sometimes he'll slip up and go 🥺💕 VSVBDBDBDB
Sometimes I feel like he'd purposely have her open a pickle jar or some shit or try to get something from up high just so he can swoon over them.
But in short bc she's a tall lady she'd absolutely jokingly bully someone who could even be just a few inches shorter than her bc they think it's funny (as a love language).

Cedric and Samson
-As I was doodling I've decided to make Cedric Samsons brother because I wanted to make more of his kind and specifically the rare greyscale Kasenin that Sam is and the most cursed song had to play while I was designing Cedric;
Rainbows n stuff by ICP started playing and it made me decide to make this mf Sams brother bc of the one part where it goes
"I like shaggy, he's my friend
I like his mom 'cause she's nice to me
Thank you J I like you too
Well it's OK, we're family" but it's the brothers and Cedric says that to Sam but instead of mom it's "my brother's wife" not in like a 'imma steal ur girl' thing he's just happy that Sam found someone nice like Tina.
Also, the whole brother thing I have an idea for the brothers to be working with the main villain (well they turn into the main villain)of their storyline whose still a WIP and that I barely want to be likeable but that may change uh and they get screwed over by this guy and it leads to some sort of accident where Sam can't even remember his family and especially not his brother (who may actually be his only family as of rn) and they get separated until one day Sam finds a pop up shop with his brother who recognizes Sam almost immediately but Sam can't remember who this guy is.
-I feel like Cedric and Samson have this weird hate for stoves.
Ironic for Sam but I feel like he only hates the ones that have the fire/gas stove tops because it makes him super anxious to cook and not burn shit down other than that he's fine with stoves that type of shit makes him panic.
-Cedric hates all stoves because he hates the idea of there just being a big box that generates heat or whatever (yet microwaves exist and he'd probably get bullied on that, I feel like he uses the keurig to boil water or something, like the least cursed thing is putting ramen under that one part where you put your cup under for coffee, but the most cursed part is him using the coffee pot to boil water for stuff that isn't for coffee).
-I wanted to make Cedric taller (than 6"0-6"2) I thought it'd be funnier if cupids we're naturally really tall and it's rare to find a small one unless they are cherubs and kasenins are like all over the place but relatively small.

Character facts etc
-A bit of inspiration for Valentina came from Dolly Parton, in visuals it was mostly the big hair and being over the top
-The reason why Tina is so tall is because lady Dimitresque was a big inspiration when I was designing Tina, other than that Tina isn't exactly human shes supposed to look elfish due to an old cosplay group I was apart of for Valentine's day where we made Cupid OCs and I wanted to go back to working on those OCs!
-Sams personality and mannerisms are loosely inspired by/based on Micheal reeves and ironically jerma (though, Cedric's personality and mannerisms take after more of Jerma than Sam does, Sam and Ced are brothers after all) since Sam is an engineer I thought it'd be funny if he had a similar chaotic energy to Micheal reeves who makes the most batshit things/robots
-I will possibly be giving Tina less humanoid features but haven't decided fully yet, I have given her sharper teeth and I'm thinking about giving her paw pads on her hands (and possibly feet) as a reason to why she wears gloves and going off the fact that the cupids in my story can look more or less human
-Tinas childhood is loosely based off this case where this boy got kidnapped and remembered his real family but got gaslit into believing it was a dream until years later he found his real family, but I don't remember the actual case name but I remember hearing about it

Sam and Tina's wedding
-Tinas and Sam would not smush cake in each other's face, they have mutual respect for each other and if they were too they'd obviously get each other's consent for it but for the most part, they do not
-Cedric HOWEVER would come up to his brother at some point and smush cake in his face as sibling banter, not in any hard feelings, I feel they'd have the dynamic where they're constantly scheming and bothering each other in some way so basically if Sam is just trying to eat another piece of cake Cedric would come up and move/slap Sam's hand that's holding the cake up onto his face
Sam's curse and wedding night
I don't think he's going to turn robotic or puppet like anymore (originally it was a spell that would keep him well enough until they were able to find the right reversal spell) I actually don't know what I'm going to do since I want to redesign the whole thing or atleast pieces of it.
He still gets hurt on the wedding night and wakes up in bed to a stressed out Tina, this time with other people such as Cedric who are involved.
The reason why he gets hurt/cursed is still relatively the same, the unknown Merc/assassin was to kill or hurt Tina but Sam was too fast for them and jumped in to protect his wife ultimately changing the course of the main villains plan;still to make Sam's life a living hell, just this time with the cost of Sam's life since this person is willing to exploit how protective Sam is of his wife. Given Sam is a Kasenin, which are sentient balls of light, Sam's light starts to fade which becomes an increasing concern as the story progresses given that if severely hurt a kasenins light can not only dim,but it can sometimes be critical but only if that light has become near dull or fully dull, if their light is just slightly dimmer than usual it's not crucial and can be easily fixed/aided.
Cedric would be the first to voice this concern as he is also a Kasenin and would be able to give much needed information on how to aid it before it gets worse, what is needed to do if it proceeds to get worse and so on.